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      Middle leading cadre team

      The establishment of the middle-level cadres incentive mechanism and assessment of the restraint mechanism, and gradually form the middle-level cadres can be on the next, the treatment can be lifted down the dynamic

      Management mechanism, fully mobilize the enthusiasm of the middle leading cadres and innovation and reform awareness, and effectively enhance the cadres of the sense of responsibility and mission.

          1、Change the income distribution of middle-level cadres, middle-level cadres of the income and the performance of the unit fully linked。

          2、The implementation of the leading cadres risk mortgage system。

          3、Innovate the middle-level cadre annual evaluation method, establish a scientific and fair middle-level cadre evaluation system, increase the examination results and cadre duties promotion, exchange, elimination and reward linked to the use of efforts。


      Reserve cadre team

      The establishment of both re-election, more heavy training, bold use, dynamic management of the reserve cadre management mechanism.

          1、The establishment of a new reserve cadre selection mechanism, do a good job in the selection of reserve cadres。

          2、Increase the reserve cadre training to promote the use of efforts。

          3、Establish the dynamic management mechanism of reserve cadres。


      Marketing team

          1、Create a "marketing mechanism" for the two mechanisms”。

          2、Open recruitment of staff, improve the quality of marketing staff。


      Technical staff team

      To select professional and technical leaders and technology projects tender, incentives as the focus, a comprehensive incentive for scientific and technological personnel work enthusiasm and creativity。

          1、The relationship between the leadership of the company and technical personnel. Fully reflects the company's senior leadership of technical staff and workers of the care and care。

          2、Selection and training company professional and technical leaders, the establishment of a trapezoidal level of top-notch technical personnel, give full play to its academic leadership and point to the role of。


      Operate the workforce

      Adhere to a variety of incentive policies, highlight the distribution according to work, according to the principle of the basic distribution of contributions, fully embodies the large amount of workers in the labor value。

          1、The establishment of the operation of workers cascade training and incentive mechanism。

          2、The establishment of the company leadership and workers technician contact system。

          3、Established the distribution policy of the operating workers according to the yield bonus。

          4、Vigorously carry out the operation of workers with only activities。

          5、In accordance with the "big professional, large trades" ideas, and actively carry out a multi-skilled activities。

      Service Hotline  4008288789
      Service Hotline 4008288789 Service Hotline 4008288789
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